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Erbil: The Kurdistan Region set 25/09/2017 to hold a referendum throughout Kurdistan Region and the disputed areas Regarding the economic situational the Chamber represents the traders and industrialists we would like to state that: 

In the past years the Baghdad government put many obstacles in the way of the trade movement, it was hurdling the Trade move continuously, in which those traders that were trading between Bagdad and Kurdistan got fatigued about that and their businesses has been harmed because of this behavior of Baghdad government. 


  Actually, even before setting the date for referendum, one  feels that there are Two different states in the borders between Kurdistan Region and the other parts of Iraq, because of having checkpoints and official tax points like they are exist in the international borders. Accordingly, we are the people of Kurdistan resort to hold a referendum as an international mechanism to determine our fate, while those mentioned acts of the Iraqi government are not only undesirable but illegal. 

Indeed, if we hold Referendum or not, they deal with us as a different part and they continue their illegal acts to put more busts on the way of the Kurdistan people. 

Meanwhile, holding referendum is a suitable way to express our will to be independent, this wouldn't be a decision made by one person or one party but by the people, it will be a watershed to the world and to the Iraqi government as well to redefine their relations with Kurdistan Region  while Kurdistan will construct its own flourished economy and will be independent in building more advanced relations with the other states in which be more beneficial for the citizens.

That's why we recommend our people to use their legitimate right and vote “Ye” for Independent Kurdistan. 

Soran AbuBakir

Deputy President of Erbil Chamber 


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