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Baqi Mohammad Hadi: The Government has good resolutions for Economic Reform but they are not resulting in Dramatic Solution

New Laws are critical for the development of the Private Sector 


Erbil: Mr. Baqi Mohammed Hadi,   the member of the board of directors of The Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in an exclusive interview with the Newspaper ( Bazrgani Sardam ) talked about the private sector, the financial situation of the Region and trade and business. 

Regarding The private sector he designated a number of challenges said" the private sector has a number of challenges, the first thing which affects this sector negatively is the old laws, for the development of the private sector the old laws should be changed, those laws had been issued for the socialist systems should be replaced wth laws adoptable for free market economy." He also stated that the understanding between Government and the private sector is not as required.

He said" we are as the Trade leaders supervising a bulk of private sector institutions we couldn't reach our messages and requests to the government as it should be, there are a number of reason for that one of them having many government officials and managers whose their means of working is very outdated, they don't understand that the private sector is the pass key towards for the economic triumph. " 

He also said that " the media are also lacking good work in diagnosing the sores" 


He continued to say" for resolving the Private Sector problems we have held a number of forums , we held 3 forums the last one was in The last October which had continued for three days included 6 panels , 400 academics and experts were presented in, after the end of the Forum we have briefed the government and the parliament about our recommendations but still to this time there is no any response." 

Baqi Mohammed Hadi emphasized on that they worked hard for the success of the Forum, but unfortunately they don't see the reflection of the resolutions and recommendations of on the government performance. 

He said" the government taken good resolutions for reform, but are naive resolutions, they are not going to solve the problems dramatically, for exiting in the economic crises we should take advantage of the other states experience." 


Mr. Hadi cast light on the other states experiences and said" some years ago UAE passed through an economic crises but it could survive it and come out during only one year. Malaysia was known as the state of forests but with excellent plans it could be an economic power only throughout 15 years. In this experiences the government and the private sector have collaborated to build and bolster Industry, agriculture and tourism sectors." 

Also talked bout Turkey as this state was in debt before Ten years but could relieve it self through smart plans." 

He asked why the government not responding their requests, the Trade Chamber has sent a number of official letters to the government, a trade ministry, tax office, the office of the Prime Minister. He wonders why they get no response. 


He disclosed that the government is indebted to the private sector by one billion dollars, it has been since Three years ago that the government is keeping this debt , if this money was with the private sector now it has become doubled and the economy has revived.


The official of the Erbil Chamber for Trade and Industry believes that the people got used with the economic crises, but currently there is a bit move in the market and reconstruction. Those who have money they restarts implement their project after ISIS war is nearing the end . The government will reimburse 10% of the budget of those projects that kept them with it, this would make a difference and move the market . He predicted the situation is getting better. 

He said in the end of the interview that the Erbil Chamber and the Trade Chambers have an always agenda to strengthen relations locally and internationally, there are visitors from the embassies, consulates on daily bases, during the past Four year nearly 68 Commercial protocols and Memorandums have been signed with foreign states . In the coming July a forum will be held in Sulaimanyah for holding discussion about the financial crises and private sector development

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