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Erbil:On26.02.2013 Mr. Fidaadin  Muhamad Amin Gardi  member of the administrative board of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry has received  a joint delegation from the Iranian  group companies (NC & SJP) headed by Mr.Aran Zari the  deputy head of the group of  (NC) and co-head of the delegation, who was  visiting the region to  search the possibility of access to the market in Kurdistan  in the multiple areas of  investment  which the Group specialized in  mainly oil, Mr. Fidaadin  has expressed the readiness of The Chamber for  full cooperation withthe group and provide all the facilities required for the success of the task to support the development  program  of theregion d which needs to different technical capabilities of, the  head of the delegation  expressed satisfaction with thisresponse  by the Chamber and wished the Region  progress and  success

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Erbil: On 26.02.2013,Mr.Paul Steven U.S. consul based in Erbil accompanied by Mr. Martin Healy economic official at the consulate,. ,has  visited the Erbil  Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the headquarters  where he wasreceived by Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat President of Erbil Chamber and a number of members of the administrative body of the Chamber , Mr. President of the Chamber  welcomed  the delegation expressing the importance of having the U.S. consulate in the Region, which would boost trade and economic relations between the U.S. and the Kurdistan region,also noted that the Region's budget is  good and helpful  to develop and build a better economic relations with the countries of the world, including America, and Mr. President of the Chamber  suggested to establish a board that includes Kurdistan businessmen and the Americans as a further step towards enhancing joint economic action.

From the U.S. side  the  Consul expressed his pleasure to represent America in the Kurdistan region and his first visit to the Chamber praising evolution of development happening in the region compared with the other side of Iraq,and ended  the meeting with  thanks and gratitude , noted that the consulate will grant visas access to America for Kurdistan businessmen and others in the region from May ,This Year .

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