You are here: ErbilChamberNews Items filtered by date: Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Erbil: On 03/07/2013 Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry  has arranged the  first Forum between ,the Kurdistan and Singapore Trade Forum.

Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce  and Mr.Zain Alabidin Rashid the ConsultantMe of Middle east Group at Singapore business Federation  headed the Forum, and in the presence of Mr. Soran Abu Bakr Aziz  the Deputy President of the Chamber , a number of members of the administrative body of the Chamber members of Singapore Federation and , local media.

Mr.Khayat  referred to the importance of developing relations between the region and the world, including East Asian countries including Singapore as one of the countries that play an important role in the international economic arena, and the Chambers should pave the way to that ."

Singapore a progressed country ,we have good information about that ,also Kurdistan is a Federal region has its budget ,can participate in the development of investment and business ,we expect a bigger budget in a near future because of the increasing in the oil export ."

Also focused on the Num4 Investment law of 2006 which has offered the foreign investors many facilitation .

" Singapore investors can achieve in Kurdistan many of Agricultural and tourist projects ."Mr.Dara Said.

For his part Mr.Rashid said" We are very happy that we are in Kurdistan Region Kurdistan has a very rich resources."

"We hope to invest here  in the fields of construction oil ,tourism etc ,we should build a strong joint base."

The businessmen of the sides exchanged ideas.

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Erbil:On10/03/ 2013,Mr.Soran Abu Bakir Azizi , the deputy president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and industry has received ,a delegation from Turks Businessmen and industrialists Association headed by Muhamad al Salim the head of the relations department at the association ,accompanied by Mr.Sayar Arbil the Trade  Attaché at the Turkish Consulate in Erbil .


At the beginning

,Mr.Abu Bakir welcomed the delegation ,hoped for them a pleasant stay in Kurdistan,He said"currently Kurdistan Region is in the stage of development there are many foreign companies have started to work in Kurdistan Region ,most of them are Turkish ,so there is a very active economic and trade activities in Kurdistan Region made the region be different from the other part of Iraq."

Then spoke about the procedures of establishing a company or a branch as it comes in the related law  to guide the guest haw they can start doing business.

"From his part Mr.Al Salim thanked the chamber for their warm welcome and their interest in helping their companies, then spoke about the aim of their visit ,which is to pave the way to start to invest their money here in the Region.

The members of the delegation introduced themselves and their businesses to the deputy president.

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