Erbil:On 19.12.2013, Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat ,President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the presence of a number of members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber and the owners of the commercial interests has met Mr. Joseph Benicton U.S. general- consul ,based in the region , the President of the Chamber welcomed the Guest and wished him and the team working with him success and progress, as to enhance trade and economic relations between the United States and the region , and stressed the importance of the consulate to facilitate the procedures for entering the owners of commercial interests and businessmen from the Kurdistan Region to the United States to enable them to convergence and meeting with their counterparts in order to strengthen trade relations between the two countries .
In a speech to Mr. General Consul, expressed his thanks and appreciation for the warm reception and hospitality and the role of the Chambers of Commerce in promoting these relations , then pointed to the measures to be taken by the consulate in order to attract the largest number of U.S. companies to work in Kurdistan and the promise of overcoming difficulties to enable businessmen and owners of commercial interests of Kurdistan for the entry to the United States.