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Wednesday, 24 November 2021 07:16

A Workshop on a Climate Change held in Erbil

Erbil: On August 2, 2021, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the presence of the deputy Mala Majeed Sdiq Sewdin and a number of the board of directors of the Chamber, welcomed a delegation from the Thai Royal Embassy in Amman headed by Chawdul Nipsltun. 

In a meeting the sides discussed boosting business ties. 


 The visiting delegates confirmed that the visit is aiming at renovating business ties with Kurdistan Region. 

The visiting delegation disclosed that, they had several programs to be carried out in Iraq like; opening the Thai Embassy in Iraq and inviting the Iraqi Chambers to attend the International fairs in Thailand, but all of these have been postponed because of the world pandemic crises. 


The President of the Chamber welcomed the delegates warmly said that the trade exchange activities between Iraq and Thailand are old, it has been a long time since the traders set to import and export goods, but they have been faded away since 2003. 

The Chamber representatives also said that, the nonexistence of any Thailand government’s representative like; trade center or calculate and a difficult visa process are the hindrances of not having strong business ties. There are a lot of people willing to go to Thailand for trade and tourism. 

The Chamber representatives stressed that, having an adequate climate, stability, and business opportunities made many countries in the world open their consulates and representative bodies in the Region, eventually it would make the trade ties stronger. Hoped this visit will lead to a good level of commercial bonds and the Chamber is ready to offer facilitate.   

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