You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Erbil: On 23/05/2017, a delegation of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry including Mr.Majeed Jalal the head of the Iran trade department in the Chamber and the member of the board of directors , Mr.Kamal Aziz the member of the board visited the Sanandaj Chamber of Commerce and the delegation was welcomed by Mr. Said Kamal Said Hussein the president of the Sanandaj Chamber and a members of board of directors of The Sanandaj 


The visit, aimed at consolidation of trade relations and paving the way for signing a memorandum of understanding between the both sides. 


At the outset, Mr. Hussein made a speech and he expressed the importance of this meeting , he Lao said that the coordination in the frontier gates between the both countries is at a good level. 

Although, he said that Sanandaj is outstanding in many sectors, its exporting products to outside and 80% of all Irans strawberry is produced in Sanandaj. He hoped a better corporation between the both sides at the borders. 


Later, Mr. Majeed Jalal described the meeting as a good debut and hoped for a higher level meeting in a near future. And, he said we are exploring our products to other cities of Iran, wished the Traders in Sanandaj be acquainted with the markets of Kurdistan and export their products to therein. 

Mr. Aziz expressed their support to the companies and traders that they want to export their products to Kurdistan Region Markets. He hoped the next meeting to be in Erbil. The businesses representatives of the both sides held B2B meetings. The delegation visited a number of Sanandaj factories. 

Later on, on 23/05/2017, the Chamber delegation held a meeting with the Sanandaj department of mini factories affiliated to Iran Ministry of Trade headed by Mr. Shaho Hajibi , the sides discussed the strengthening of Commercial relations they searched about the process of foundation this kind of factories in Erbil. 

In the context of the visit, On 25/05/2017, the both sides signed a memorandum of understanding. In the presence of Kurdistan delegation, the head of Sanandaj Chamber, the board of directors of Sanandaj Chamber, and representatives of more than50 companies in the city an expanded meeting held at the conference hall of Sanandaj Chamber. 

At the outset of the meeting, Mr. Hussein I made a statement he emphasized on the necessity of strengthening Commercial ties as a mutual profit and he stressed having one nation , common culture and language as good opportunity for this aim. 

He described the meeting as an opportunity for inciting the both sides for doing investment, and a delegation will visit Erbil in the next month. 

Later, Muhamad Drawazmi the general coordinator of Industry and Hassan Zana the representative of agriculture in Sanandaj gave speeches in which emphasized on the importance of strengthening relations between Erbil and Sanandaj. 


Mr. Majeed Jalil has talked about the good level of business relations between Kurdistan and Iran and having yet now 5 Commercial gates at the border between Kurdistan Region and Iran which they have a positive impact on trade movement. 

At the meeting, a short video had been displayed about life, nature and business in Erbil, then after the Memorandum of understanding has been signed between the both side which composed of 7 terms tackling collaboration, mutual visit, investment and business and participation in the international fairs. At the end, B2B meetings have occurred between the businesses of the both side. 


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