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Tuesday, 17 December 2013 08:30

Iranian trade delegation visited the Chamber

Erbil: On 08.12.2013,Mr. Majid Jalal a member of the Board of Directors Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry has  received an Iranian trade delegation at the headquarters of the Chamber.


The mentioned delegation included representatives from thirty-five companies are coming from the Iranian city of Hamadan , headed by Chairman of the Board Rahman Naderi commercial attaché in Erbil, and in the beginning of the meeting Mr. member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber welcomed the guest delegation and wished them a pleasant stay in the Kurdistan region and then touched on the depth of the economic and trade relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kurdistan region and the role of the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Erbil in the development of these relations after it signed a number of memoranda of understanding with their counterparts in Iran and the desire underway to expand these relations  to serve the economies of the two countries also touched on certain models in doing business in the past and future with the importance of focusing on the importance of choosing quality in the type of goods that are exported to Kurdistan , then the representatives of these companies defined t themselves and the activities of their company , Mr. member of the Board of Directors promised to provide help and full cooperation in order to raise these relations to higher levels for the benefit of both parties 

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Erbil On 12/05/2013, Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry in his Office in Erbil,has received  Mr. Aza Mohammed Hussein chief f Erbil Branch of economists union of Kurdistan , who visited the  Chamber , accompanied by a number of union members who said that the union is following the various activities of the Chamber and expressed his delight of  expansion of these activities in terms of the establishment of business seminars and meetings and meetings with foreign and Arab business delegations , which contributed to the expansion of the development process existing in the region , also head of the branch  expressed his branch union readiness to support and cooperate with the chamber to achieve the economic goals that pour into the interest of the regional government , The Erbil branch of the union has three thousand member out of seven thousand throughout Kurdistan , including university professors specializing in science and economic and diversified business , in the end, Mr. President of the Chamber wished of the President of the union and its members success and successful service to the people of Kurdistan and promised their participation in business seminars and meetings set up by the Chamber with the business and commercial interests of foreign The Arab in the future.

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Erbil: On 12/03/2013, Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat ,President of Ebil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,has received in his office  the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Iraq and his assistant, to discuss ways to enhance trade relations between his country and the Kurdistan region and the role of the Chamber of Commerce in this direction , the delegation was welcomed by the President of the Chamber , wished them a pleasant stay in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region and expressed its full readiness to cooperate with the delegation and other expected business delegations to achieve the common interests that will serve the economies of the two countries , as Mr. Ambassador pointed out to the onset of the Dutch high-level trade delegation to visit Kurdistan and holding  meeting with their counterparts to discuss trade relations and how to develop them in the future , and in the end, Messrs. ambassador and his assistant thanked, Mr. President of the Chamber for the warm reception and adequately explaining the economics of Kurdistan.

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Erbil: On 03/12/2013,Mr. Soran Abu Bakr Aziz, Vice President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,in his office in Erbil ,has received a trade delegation from the Turkish city of Caesar who visited the region, to see the merits of the business currently based in the region ,in preparation for entry into Kurdistan market with Knowledge and confidence ,the delegation  has been welcomed by the Deputy President  of the Chamber , wished them a pleasant stay , also gave a clear idea and a vision for the business and the existing laws in place to take them into account when doing their business in Kurdistan in the future , and expressed willingness of the chamber for  full cooperation with businesses that intend to work in Kurdistan.

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Erbil: On 12.1.2013, Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry in his office ,has received  Dr. Hussein Mahmoud Khatib Iraq's Ambassador to Federal State of Germany , who visited the Chamber in order to give the idea about trade and economic activity in the Federal Republic of Germany and how to benefit from the expertise of these companies and attract to enter the Kurdistan market and the role of the Chamber of Commerce in this direction , the ambassador was welcomed by the President of the Chamber and wished him a pleasant stay and thanked to the information he gave , and expressed the willingness of the Chamber to fully cooperate with any German commercial company would like to work in Kurdistan, in cooperation with the Iraqi embassy in order to achieve the benefits of the joint economies of the two countries , and in the end , Mr. Ambassador , thanked Mr. President of the Chamber for the warm reception and adequately explained the reasons for the current business.

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Erbil: On 01/12/2013Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat ,President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,visited  a Trade Fair for Furniture Company which are held by the Turkish Vetm Company at Juhaynah hotel in Erbil, he has  have a look at a number of model suffered, and expressed his remarks , welcomed the holding of this show and wished them success.

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