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The British Pathfinder Organization searches to expand Trade Relations with Kurdistan

Published in news Thursday, 11 June 2015 09:38

Erbil: On 02.06.2015 ,Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat President od Erbil Chamber  of Commerce and Industry received in his office a delegation from the Pathfinder Organization ,headed by Michael Thomas, head of the organization, accompanied by a number of representatives of the specialized in the field of traffic engineering / Oil and Gas Chemicals / security and financial companies,  from Britain .

The Sides held  meeting which was attended by a number of members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber. The head of the delegation  stated  the goal of the visit is the possibility of the entry of  those firms mentioned above in the  economic arena Kurdistan.

Mr. President of the Chamber welcomed the guest delegation and the idea of their visit expressed the readiness of the Chamber to  provide the necessary support, and added that the region is  doing well  in all areas ,especially in  economic area,in spite of having delay in some of the projects for not receiving the quota of the budget from Iraqi central governmnet  and decline in global oil prices, however, he stressed the importance of the presence of British companies on the land of Kurdistan to take advantage of its accumulated experience.

Also stressed the importance of the British authorities to facilitate the granting of visas to the owners of the commercial interests of Kurdistan .

The  head of the delegation promised to deliver this message to the stakeholders in the country, at the end of the meeting, the two sides agreed to hold a commercial economic conference  which will be held in Erbil in the coming year.

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