You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Monday, 17 May 2021

Erbil: On April 28th, 2021, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the presence of the deputies and a number of the board of directors of the Chamber, received the delegation of IBBC, Iraq-British Business Corp, headed by Christopher Michael, the executive director of IBBC. 

In a meeting, the sides cast light on holding a couple of large business conferences at the end of this current year, in the participation of the investors and businessmen from both sides, in London and Erbil. 


Dr. Khayat explained that compared to 2020, the business and activities are going well due to the vaccination against Covid19, and endorsement of the Kurdistan Region budget share in Baghdad, he hope for a soon release from this pandemic for the entire humanity. 

He also said that the United Kingdom and its companies are important for Kurdistan Region, so, we are looking forward to an active presence from their part in the Region, especially, in the sectors like agriculture, industry, tourism. The KRG offers full support to these sectors. And,  emphasised that holding this kind of conferences is a way to get acquainted with each other’s plan. 


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