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Erbil: In the period 24-25th April, 2018, The British-Iraqi Business Corp, held a conference in London on the reconstruction process in Iraq, and, a delegation from the Kurdistan Region presented in therein. 

A Delegation from the Kurdistan Chambers headed by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat attended the Conference. The first panel of the conference was dedicated to the Kurdistan Region economic situation, the governor of Erbil, Nawzad Hadi was one of the speakers, talked about the opportunities in the sectors of agriculture, industry, the advancement of the Kurdistan economy and benefiting from the reconstruction of the liberated cities like Mosul. 

In the Second day of the conference, Dr. Khayat participated in one of the panels, talked about the economic situation in Kurdistan, private sector, encouraging the British companies to invest in Kurdistan Region and called for holding a mutual conference between the both side. 

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Erbil: On 9th May, 2018, The President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, attended the Economic, Development and Investment Conference in Algeria, which was attended by all the Heads of Arab Chamber to discuss the development of Industry and private sector in their countries.

The President of the Chamber participated in the 127th session meeting of the Heads of Arab Chambers. The participants discussed the strengthening of relations among the Arab Chambers of Industry, Commerce and agriculture. In the sideline of the conference, Dr. Khayat attended the 5th Algeria International Exhibition. 


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Erbil: On 26th April, 2018, on the occasion of the International day of copyright, in the presence of the French Consul General in Erbil, The Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with the Department of Economy in the Consulate General of France in Erbil a Forum was held on the effect of the poor materials. 

 Mala Majeed Sadiq, the deputy president of the Chamber said" Holding this Forum is to make the Kurdistan decision makers be alerted about the negative impacts and fake goods on the human being life and the national economy, we are here to ask the authorities to take tough procedures against those who don't care about the quality of the goods that they sell to the people for their own interest. 

The French Consul General, Dominique Mass said" We are in the Consulate General will corporate with the Chamber and the other relevant institutions to fight the fake, counterfeited 

and expired good and medication in the markets" 

In the end of the Forum, a number of experts offered presentations on the bad impacts of counterfeited and expired goods. 

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Erbil: On 7th May, 2018, Flex Nigart, the executive director at the German office for Trade and Industry in Emirates, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar visited the Chamber. 

Nigart, expressed the aim of his visit to the Kurdistan Region and Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry which was to gather information about the most available sectors for investment in Kurdistan and the liberated areas for the German companies. 

Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber preferred a mutual Conference between Kurdistan and Germany to be held to study the issue, and wished for more promotion in the relations between the both side. 


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Erbil: On 6th May, 2018, the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry in corporation with the Iraqi-Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Association held a Seminar on ( The Trade and Investment Opportunities in Kurdistan Region and Iraq) for the Kurdistan, Iraq and Turkey's Businessmen. 

The Seminar attended by a number of owner of business interests from the parties. Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of the Erbil Chamber announced that the Kurdistan Region will effort to remove all the obstacles on the way of mutual trade between Kurdistan and Turkey. 

The Turkish General Counsel (Hakan Karcay) said" As the Turkey approached the Iraq markets that affected to rise the good's quality in the Iraqi markets.) And, said that the volume of trade have exceeded 9 billion$. 

Then after, the governor of Erbil, Nawzad Hadi said" Turkey has the lion share in the impacts that made a lot of advance and progress in the Kurdistan Region, hope the Turkish companies to work for much more promoted relations." 

In another part of the program, the Kurdistan Minister of Justice, the Head of the Iraqi- Turkish sh industrialists and Businessmen, the representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the General Director of Investment made speeches. 


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Erbil: On April16,2018, a joint conference held at the Eshiq University between the Eshiq University and Salahhadin University on administration and economic system. 

The conference was held in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Dzayi, the Head of Salahhadin university, Dr. Edris Hadi the head of the Eshiq university, Mala Majeed Surchi the deputy president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a number of foreign and local experts.

The Erbil Chamber was sponsored the Conference and the certificate of honor offered to the Chamber by the organizers.


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Erbil: On April 14, 2018, in the presence of Mr. Nawzad Hadi the governor of Erbil, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trisha Ihsan the head of Kurdistan Businesswomen Association and a number of Parliament members, businesses owners and citizens, an exhibition for talented women handcrafts held in the Chamber hall in Erbil.

The participants of the exhibition, showed a number of categories of handcrafted products like the traditional dresses, the home decoration kits and antiques. 

At the same time of the exhibition, the Chamber and and the Businesswomen associations representatives were awarded certificates of honor to the active and talented personalities who participated in thriving the society.

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Erbil: On April16, 2018, Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani received Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Head of the Kurdistan Federation of Chambers, Sirwan Muhamad and Ayad Hassan the deputies of the Federation. 

The Federation delegation handed over to the Prime Minister the Recommendations of the Third conference of the Federation which is tackling the issues of the development of the private sector, finding creative solutions for the private sector stumbles and organizing relations between private and public sector. 

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Erbil: On 2th May, 2018, under the patronage of Nechirvan Barzani the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, The Promotion of The Economic Relations between Kurdistan Region and Iran Conference held in Erbil. 

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region, Qubad Talabani, The Minister of Trade, Industry and the Mineral Resources of Iran, the Mayor of Tehran, The KRG Ministers of Finance, Planing, Municipality, Tourism, more than 100 companies representatives from the provinces of Tehran, Esfahan, Urmia, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, The West Azerbaijan, Hamadan, Companies representatives of the Kurdistan Region attended the Conference, which was organized by the Federation of the Kurdistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the High Assembly of Economy of Kurdistan Region, and lasted over Two days. 


Dr. Khayat said" Holding this kind of conference works for strengthening of relations and solve the problems of mutual Commerce ." Announced that the magnitude of mutual trade reaches 8 billions$. 

Dr. Ali Sindi, The Minister of Trade and Industry in proxy said" 360 companies and 135 factories from Iran are operating in Kurdistan Region" 

Dr. Muhammad Shariatmadary, the Iranian minister, dubbed the conference as a crucial opportunity for developing relations in various sectors.


Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani stated that the Kurdistan Government seeing this conference as important and supports this kind of steps. Said" 67% of Auto imports to the Region is coming from the Iranian borders, 359 Iranian companies have their branches in Kurdistan Region, most of them are active in the field of trade, in addition to having 135 Iranian factories in the Region, which have created hundreds of job opportunities. 

The Prime Minister called on the Kurdistan and Iranian businessmen and investors to broaden the fields of exchange f trade and investment, promote the joint projects, and the KRG would support and facilitate for their projects. 

The other part of the conference was holding Three panels on the development of joint investment in the sectors of tourism, agriculture, establishment of shared companies, promotion of industries, paving for establishing free economic zone, trade promotion and solving the problems. 

In the Second day of the conference the both side businessmen hold a number of b2b meetings. They discussed together the opportunities for joint projects.


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