You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Sunday, 30 November 2014

Erbil:On ,20Nov2014 ,The Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry was in corporation with The Independent High Commission of Human Rights ,held an educational series over human rights ,an children rights in particular .
Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Chamber ,Mr.Zya Patrus teh Head of High Independent Commission of Human Rights ,a number of researchers ,and Journalists were attended in the Seminar .
Mr.Dara Khayat made a speech talked about the activities of the chamber which has a link with human rights,for the reason that all of goods would be used and consumed by all the sectors of the society .  he emphasized that all the imported goods should be coping with international standards ,and under a close supervision of quality control to avoid the entrance of bad goods . 
after the import has become absolutely at the present time and easily circumvent in  the introduction of shoddy goods without strict and supervision, Mr. Ziad Poutros hoped effective efforts at all levels to maintain the level of cooperation to serve human rights in Kurdistan and Iraq and this humanitarian mission should be sought by everyone...

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Sunday, 30 November 2014 09:01

A Danish Delegation visited the Chamber

Erbil:On 17Nov,2014 , a Danish delegation including ,Nicola Vilomsen the Head of the delegation ,and the member of Danish parliament ,Eva Flivolhm the political consultant ,Mr.Alan Ahmed the representative of Copenhagen Municipality ,Hagn My Aslit Vet RaidBerg ,Consultant in European Parliament ,Soren Sonder Gard the former member of European Parliament,welcomed by Mr.Drara Jalil Khayat the president of The Chamber .

The delegation Guest disclosed that they came to Kurdistan to pursue the security ,economy ,political ,and humanitarian situation at close, they convey the gratitude and thanks of Danish President for challenging terror and embracing the displaced and refugees from around Kurdistan.

The President of the chamber thanked the guest ,he said ,Kurdistan withholding this situation alone ,the international community should help and support Kurdistan ,many problems resulted in this situation ,for example 50% of the schools in Duhok city not started their  educational year yet ,because of domiciling refugees at those schools .

Mr.President of the Chamber talked about the financial crises in Kurdistan because budget cut and pending the salaries of employees by Baghdad ,also asked Danish Companies to invest in the available sectors like agriculture and food industry which is they are famous in ,in Kurdistan .


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Erbil :On 13Nov,2014 , Mr.Amanj Yar Waisi , the representative of Dubai Chamber of Commerce  has visited the Office of Erbil Chamber ,welcomed by Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat ,the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry .

The sides exchanged ideas about links promotion ,and the necessity of exchange delegations to benefit from  experiences in Dubai.

And they talked about the financial crises in Kurdistan ,and also benefiting from the ideas of economists and experts ,to resolve those crises. 

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