You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Sunday, 31 August 2014

Erbil:On 27/8/2014, Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,has welcomed at his office in Erbil, Mr.Demitriv Okrinov the head of Commercial Branch of Bulgarian Embassy in Baghdad.
The sides are emphasized on directions which are lead to the promotion of economic and commercial ties between Kurdistan and Bulgaria.
   The Bulgarian commercial official supported Mr.President of the chamber ,in his idea ,and disclosed that his country intends to open a commercial office in Erbil ,which will be a step forward toward this promotion ,the head of the Chamber  expressed the full readiness of the Chamber to aid this step.

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Erbil:France 24 TV Channel interviewed Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber Commerce and Industry .
The France Channel  asked Mr.Khayat questions about the business in the current situation in Kurdistan ,talked in detail about the commerce and business in Kurdistan ,said the situation for business is secure and the international companies branches in Kurdistan are working ,and their number is in increase ... -


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Sunday, 31 August 2014 10:19

The Chamber received BIBC chairwoman

Erbil: On24/8/2014 ,Erbil Chamber of Commerce and industry at the Social and Cultural Center of The Chamber ,hosted a dinner in honor of Mrs. Emma Nicholson the head of British Iraqi Business Council,who visited the region to provide humanitarian support and logistical support for the displaced of Yazidis and Christians who are on the edge of the Kurdistan Region.Has received 
,         The guest has received warmly by  Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat chairman of the chamber ,in the presence of Mr. Samal Sardar Minister of Trade and Industry of KRG , and the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dahuk, a number of members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber  and the owners of commercial interests,  in the word of Mr. President of the Chamber appreciated   the role of this lady in strengthening commercial and economic relations   between the region and the United Kingdom through the holding of economic forums in Britain and the Region  in addition to the assessment of the  role in this time where they had a humanitarian mission , then Ms. Nicholas  made a speech  expressed her regret when she saw and heard stories  from refugees and displaced ,who visited them  expressing full support of  her government  to Kurdistan Government in its war with terrorists of Daeesh.

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